Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Not only the skin or human body that requires treatment. Houses also need to get extra protection, the way to placing second skin on the building or called secondary skin.
Just like human skin, as a protection from danger viruses, irritation and the like, a second skin to keep building houses mainly from direct sunlight. According to Heru Wicaksono architect, this lifestyle has triggered a decline in immunity to the five senses.
"The heat we feel when the sun has a high level of ultraviolet light at all. We can not as free as it used to be under the sun including in the home. To get one of them with secondary skin," he said.
Well, what is suitable material for use as a secondary skin. According to Heru, usually using weather resistant materials and attention to aesthetics, such as wood or iron. Heru exemplifies the use of other materials such as bamboo, frosted glass, beverage bottles as well as the second layer is applied at home as famous architect Ridwan Kamil.
"Noteworthy is the second layer of material still consider the risk of damage so easily replaced. Give the beauty in a long time," he said.
Like the skin, it's time you give extra care at home.
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